Title: Soundwalk: A Story of the Wind
Place: Sonic Acts Biennale 2024, Het Hem, Amsterdam
Date: 23/3/2024
Format: Audiowalk 60’00
Collaborate with Hosu Lee ‘s pencil drawings

Link to the website
Contemplating the ambiguity, invisibility, and indirectness of both sound and the wind helps us understand the entanglements between human and non-human realms. In this audio walk, which incorporates a fictional narrative, wander along, guided by the spoken narration as well as sounds emanating from the environment surrounding Het HEM. These sounds are sourced from a moving instrument installed at the route’s endpoint – a DIY acoustic radar that operates on wind energy.

Audiowalk 60’
20 participants max.

Practical information:
The first meeting point is on the ground floor of Het HEM, in the main area where the Huiskamer (Living Room) is.
• Just in case, participants should be prepared for wet and windy weather.
Sonic Art Biennale 2024; The Spell of the Sensuous
Photo: Bora Sekreci