Title: Inscription
Place: Mullae Art Factory, Seoul
Date: 31/10/2021
Format: Live coding performance

<Inscription> is a research and artistic journey that started with the question, "Can an act of listening exist independently from a regime of sign?" In this study, AI technology is used to mechanically synthesize speech sounds from different cultures, attempting to create a language that sounds like a language but means nothing.

  1. Translate Charles Cross's "Inscription" into six languages and record it (Korean, English, French, German, Chinese, Bengali).
  2. Classify and divide the recorded words in these six languages into columns and rows according to their meaning.
  3. Synthesize the words of each line using the nSynth program.

Host: Down Qaurk Factory by Philip Liu
Sponsers:  Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
*Performed part of <Mullae Live coding Competition>

Performance video: