Title: Land, Ghost and the Rumors(2023)
Place: SCOPES, Seoul
Date: 12/10/2023-15/10/2023
Format: Sound Installation

Production: Shampoo

Link to the website

One city's memory, history, culture, and political layers constantly interact. And sound plays a role as a memory tool, activating it from the depths. <land, ghost, and the rumor> is an immersive sound installation that includes fiction about a ghost surrounded by rumors, which has been wandering around the area of Seoul for a long time (10,000 years).

It is an artistic exploration of urban space through sound, encompassing a critical awareness and attitude towards flat or material interpretations of the city. The city, containing numerous identities, a history of dramatic changes, and geopolitical layers, peeks into this invisible city through the rumors of ghosts that have lived here since ancient times.
Host: Porsche Germany
Location: YONGSAN-GU WONHYO-RO 236, Seoul

*Exhibited part of <SCOPES>

SCOPES Seoul is a four-day-long festival celebrating local pioneers within art, design, music, tech and social. After Berlin, Warsaw, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Singapore, Tel Aviv, and Stockholm the festival lands for the first time in Seoul on the weekend of Oct 12-15th 2023. Porsche SCOPES, a global platform to support creative souls worldwide, was launched in Berlin in 2018 to create space for ground-breaking local creators and meaningful content.