Currently based in Den Haag and Seoul.


2023 ~ ACPA PhD Candidate, Leiden University, Supervised by Marcel Cobussen and Eric Kluitenberg(NL)
2021 ArtScience interfaculty, Royal Academy of Art & Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Master of Music(NL)
2021 ~ Founder at Acoustic Territories; Earth grounded sound art label

2024 StrandLAB, Resident(NL)
2023 10000Arts10000Acts, Getbollab Resident(KR)
2023 Sonic Act, Overexposed Residency Resident(NL)
2023 Barim, Minimal Geopolitics Residency Resident(KR)
2022 Hyundai Motors ZER01NE Resident(KR)
2017 Experimental film Virginia Resident artist(US)
2016 Harvest works Internship(US)


2024 MI/RAE, Low Classic, Group exhibition(KR)
2024 In the Making, WEST Den Haag, Performance and talk(NL)
2024 Sonic Acts Biennale, Het Hem, Sound walk and talk(NL)
2024 Gathering Folds, Gallery inHQ, Group exhibition(KR)
2024 NOISE Focus Section curated by WhitenoiseSeoul, Group exhibition(TK)
2023 Diage Festival, Performance(TH)
2023 SCOPES driven by Porsche, Group exhibition (KR)
2023 KGRn Tokyo, Performance(JP)
2022 (Qoo-teq)Sonmat Practice Program(KR, NL)
2022 Digital November, BIFAN&Embassy of France, Performance(KR)
2022 (Qoo-teq)My Neighbor K, Elephant Space, Group exhibition(KR)
2022 ZER01NE Day, Exhibition, Performance and Talks (KR)
2022 Soundcamp Reveil 9, Live Streaming(UK)
2022 Audioblast 10 Festival, Performance(FR)
2021 Sonic Ceremony, Trixie, Perfornmance(NL)
2018 WeSA 2018, Performance(KR)

2020 Excellence scholarships for the best Master, The Royal Conservatoire(NL)
2019 Holland Scholarship, The Royal Conservatoire(NL)

2024 ECOES #6, Essay: Into the (re)wild, Writer(NL)
2022 Acoustic Territories Vol.0, Producer and Musician(KR,NL,IS,FR,UK)
2022 Post ontology; MindBody in the Metaverse, Art Council Korea, Writer(KR)
2021 The other's sonic experience; Bus 22, ArtScience Interfaculty(NL)
Artistic statement

Then the whole body will become an ear and all sounds will come to you,
the known and the unknown, the sweet, the sad and the urgent1

In Steven Feld’s essay (1994)2, he mentioned the Kantian view that all knowledge begins in experience 3 and although he admitted it is still ultimately impossible to become others. However, in the process, we can counter the arrogance of colonial authority, of history, written in one narrative 4 . The method presented in his essay is not to approach unfamiliar cultures with Western objectivity but to acknowledge the impossible and learn by becoming to others. Feld’s idea here relates to Haraway’s situated knowledge5 : that bodies as objects of knowledge are material-semiotic generative nodes6 and that knowledge is not a resource to be mapped and appropriated7 (in this context, ‘becoming with’ is more relevant than Feld’s ‘becoming to’). Although not fully explicated in Feld’s essay, the listener should be actively involved in counting their ears and either nose, skin, or tongue, that is, their own cultural background and knowledge system.

Since 2021, I have been actively exploring unrevealed stories in places that need socio-political attention, such as reclaimed land in urban and ecological contexts. To avoid appropriating the beings in these places into my own language, I have developed situated listening modes based on pluralistic geopolitical research and embodied listening. I re-enact these stories through audiobooks, performances, and electronic instruments, using the situated listening approach.

그럼 온 몸이 귀가 되어 모든 소리가 당신에게 올 것입니다.
알려진 것과 알려지지 않은 것, 달콤한 것, 슬픈 것, 그리고 긴급한 것1.

Steven Feld의 1994년 에세이2 에서 그는 모든 지식은 경험에서 시작된다는 칸트의 견해를 언급3하며, 결국 다른 사람이 되는 것은 불가능하다고 인정했지만, 그 과정에서 우리는 식민지 권력의 오만함과 하나의 서사로 쓰인 역사를 반박할 수 있다고 주장했다4. 그의 에세이에서 제시된 방법은 서구적 객관성으로 낯선 문화를 접근하는 것이 아니라, 타인과 같아지는 것의 불가능함을 인정한 상태에서 타인과 함께(becoming to) 배우는 것이다. Feld 의 이 생각은 Haraway의 상황적 지식5과 관련이 있다. 즉, 몸은 지식의 대상으로서 물질-기호적 생성 노드6이며, 지식은 지도화되고 전유될 자원이 아니라는 것7이다. 이 맥락에서 ' becoming with '는 펠드의 'becoming to'보다 더 관련이 있다. 비록 Feld의 에세이에서 완전히 설명되지는 않았지만, 청취자는 자신의 귀와 더불어 코, 피부, 또는 혀, 즉 자신의 문화적 배경과 지식 체계를 적극적으로 고려해야 한다.

2021년 이후로, 나는 도시와 생태적 맥락에서 간척지와 같이 사회-정치적 관심이 필요한 장소에서의 드러나지 않은 이야기를 적극적으로 탐구해 왔다. 이러한 장소의 존재를 나의 고유 언어로 전유하지 않기 위해, 다원적인 지리정치적 연구와 체현된 청취에 기반한 위치적 청취 모드를 개발하고 있으며, 특정 장소에서의 이야기를 오디오북, 공연, 전자 악기를 통해 재현하면서 위치적 청취 접근법을 사용한다.

1 Schafer Murray. 2009. “have never seen a sound”. Acoustique canadienne Vol. 37. No. 3 .
2 Feld, Steven, and Scott Sinkler. 1994. “The Sound World of Bosavi.” Acoustic Ecology Institute.
3 Ibid
4 Ibid
5 Ibid
6 Haraway, Donna. 1988. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.” Feminist Studies Vol. 14, no. No. 3 (Autumn): 575 - 599.
7 Haraway, Donna. 1988. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.” Feminist Studies Vol. 14, no. No. 3 (Autumn): 575 - 599.