Title: Song of Old Ones
Place: Group Exhibition <MI/RAE>, MIRAE building, Seoul
Date: 1/5/2024 - 31/5/2024
Format: Sound Installation

Production: Hosu Lee

<Song of Old Ones> is a work that combines ventilation structures with a 4-channel audio installation, positioning the ears inside the hidden structure of the building's vents. Buildings, over time, become clothed in the ideologies of their respective eras. Consequently, MIRAE buildings have also acquired mutable identities by being linked to the urban planning and political figures of modern Seoul. Confronted with the building's history, the artist finds a stark contrast between the everyday buildings experienced in his own body and their actual characteristics, leading to a sense of dissonance.

How is the identity of a building constructed, and where does an individual's body fit within the urban landscape? The artist describes his experiences as hidden passages between the body and identity of the building, likening them to 'vents', and seeks to acoustically reveal the rumours and stories that float somewhere between the city's ideology and reality.
Curating: Hyunjung Moon
Co-participating artists: Goyoson, Hyun-jin Park, Boma Park, Hyein Park, Kai Oh
Research and Space Creation: Noh Hansoo
Graphic Design: Lee Geon-jeong
Opening Reception 2024. 05. 01. Wednesday 4 PM

*Exhibited part of <MI/RAE> curated by Hyunjung Moon